An Airport Drinking Game....
The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake of water for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. For women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. Most of us don't even come close. As a result, we walk around mildly dehydrated every day. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired [1] . Air travel dehydrates you further. Alcohol dehydrates you further. Flying and drinking....bad idea. So no need to add booze to the mix. My drinking game involves a nice cool bottle of water. In order to stay hydrated and take the total boredom out of drinking water, I've developed my drinking game. After passing through security get yourself a bottle of least 20 oz. So when in the airport, there are lots of possibilities here.. every time you hear the keyword, then take a sip of water. Possible keywords...
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